About Me
My name is Judith Van Horne and I am passionate about helping people overcome personal struggles and heal, in order to live the life they desire most. My coaching is based on my background in nursing, Feng Shui, and complementary therapies training.
My formal studies and credentials are in health and wellness, Healthcare Management, Project Management, Performance Contracting, and Adult Education settings. My Complimentary and Integrative training and experience includes Classical Chinese Medicine, Healing Touch, Reiki, Light Trance Hypnosis, and Guided Imagery, I am a Certified Master Coach, Certified Master Hypnotherapist, and Certified TimeLine Therapist. I have worked with individuals, organizations and groups in the capacity of Coach, Educator, Career Management, Process Mapping, Personal and Organizational Change, and Project Management.

I accept referrals from Physicians, Mental Health Professionals, and Community Agencies provided the client is within my scope of practice.
My Nursing and Private practice theory guiding my work and client assessments are based on two major models of my life studies. First, Martha Rogers Science of Unitary Human Being in which humans are viewed as unitary being, integral with the universe. The human being and his or her environment are one. The second, according to the Ancient Chinese culture philosophy of life, we are governed by five facets: 1st Fate; 2nd Luck; 3rd Feng Shui; 4th Virtue; and 5th Education. This is encapsulated in the three main components of Heaven, Earth, and Man. Heaven cannot be altered; however, the Earth and Man aspect of life can be directed with conscious choices and specific individual virtues. By working with specific aspects of my client's energy, the client is able to make lasting changes within their lifestyle and habits.
Specializing in .......
I began assisting clients when company leaders started referring employees for performance management issues prior to taking disciplinary action, and when university students facing disciplinary or university board reviews requested my assistance in helping them look at clinical performance management or changing direction in careers.
Abuse Trauma
I started working privately with women in abusive situations and taking them from making the decision to leave (or being forced to leave) to learning how to take back their life and not become dependant on someone else to save them.
Very early in my nursing training I came to recognize that not all people are created equal when it comes to life, it’s struggle, their journey, health, and wellness choices. Health professionals and coaches often have the knowledge and training; feel they are the experts and know best what to do to help you avoid the struggle or make the best choices, but they fail to understand the struggle, the personal energy of the living organism, and that we have differences in culture, upbringing etc.
Many of my clients either buy into two big myths when it comes to the idea of the perfect night’s sleep. They either feel it is hard to achieve and hard work or they think that once they achieve the perfect nights sleep, it is automatic and for the rest of your life. Good luck with that! Like everything else, a good night’s sleep takes some changes in behavior, how fast and how hard you make those changes depends on you.
I have worked with a number of first-time offenders. I do not start my work with them until they are outside the prison system because of the lack of right to privacy and confidentiality involved in any inmate’s incarceration. I help them with the difficult task of facing what they have been through, what their goals are and coach them every step of the way through their journey back into society.
Procrastination is one of the most broad, frequent, over used labels my clients apply to their life story or themselves in one form or another. Bottom line… everyone does it at some point and it can be an effective self-care tool from time to time. What becomes the issue is when and why are you procrastinating, letting things slip, and missing out on great opportunities in your life.